[Sca-cooks] Halloween eats/parkin

Louise Smithson smithson at mco.edu
Thu Oct 4 08:29:43 PDT 2001

I would like to add my two pennyworth on the parkin issue.
Molasses isn't quite the same as treacle, treacle is sweeter and less bitter.  I try and use treacle myself, I have found it in the US either through online British food retailers or (more recently) at the homebrew store.  Admitedly I prefer to bring it back from England on one of my trips home.  It is a lot cheaper over there (about $2 a pound) than here ($4.75 a pound).
The other thing about Parkin that is worth noting, is that it is much better after a couple of days sat alone in a tin.  It becomes wonderfully sticky and gooey.
Now I want to make some.
I don't have foods that I associate with Halloween, it wasn't that big a holiday in the UK when I was growing up, but Guy Fawkes (bonfire) night was.  We always had treacle toffee, yumm.  Now I gotta find the recipe to share.

Treacle Toffee
1 lb dark brown sugar,
4 Oz butter,
4 dessert spoonfuls treacle,
4 Tbsp. milk,
2 Tbsp water,

Melt butter in a pan. Add all other ingredients. Stir only until the sugar dissolves. Do not stir after sugar has dissolved. Turn gas low and allow to boil for about 30 minutes. Test in cold water in a cup until toffee breaks between fingers. Pour into a butter-greased pan. Harden in refrigerator and break into pieces when ready.

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