[Sca-cooks] lands

Tara Sersen tsersen at nni.com
Wed Oct 3 13:52:38 PDT 2001

> When I was in Spain, the main problem was explaining to
> people that not only was Washington State different from
> Washington, D.C. (and that no, it isn't the state
> Washington D.C. is in), but that it's clear on the other
> coast.  It was best if I could draw a map.  We never got
> much into Indians (which was a shame, in a way; I had
> expected that and went primed with mentions of the
> sophisticated political trouble we were having with some
> of
> the tribes over casinos and fishing rights and such).

The sad thing is, it's not just people from other countries
who have no concept whatsoever about US Geography.  I mean,
at least they have a good excuse.  I read a newspaper
article about someone from New Mexico trying to buy tickets
to the Olympics not too many years ago.  The customer
service person told him he'd have to call the Olympic
committee office in his own country.  He said, "Uh, I am.  I
live in New Mexico, which is in the United States."  She
said, "New Mexico, Old Mexico, it doesn't matter.  You're
going to have to call the Mexican office.  We can only help
American ticket buyers."


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