indigo [was Re: [Sca-cooks] Puritans, was: Canadian Friends]

Decker, Terry D. TerryD at Health.State.OK.US
Mon Oct 8 11:32:35 PDT 2001

Woad is not very hallucinogenic.  The Celtic tribes used it as clothing dye,
tattoo ink, and war paint.

While there is some speculation about drug use to produce "battle madness,"
there are enough modern case to make me think it is a natural condition
produced by having an aggressive psyche and a body that pumps

While Braveheart may be a fun movie, it plays fast and loose with the
history and I suspect the woad war paint, especially for Wallace, was a
fanciful touch.


> Isn't Woad the blue stuff the Scottish berserkers put on
> their face to make
> thiem hallucinate and become more aggressive in battle?
> Misha

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