[Sca-cooks] An announcement from the South

Tara Sersen Boroson tsersen at nni.com
Fri Oct 26 06:56:18 PDT 2001

Nichola, as my husband and I are similarly infected with this particular
disease for the first time, I can lend you some first-hand advice.
First, another male symptom is backaches from following the female
around in a hunched over position in an attempt to put his hands on her
stomach and make cooing noises.  You might want to invest in a heating
pad for that back.  Also, be careful not to carry that cooing action
over into the workplace.  Your coworkers will think you're *really*
wierd.  Second, the females are also prone to backaches, and once they
realize how easy it is to solicit back rubs from the males, they begin
to take frequent advantage of it.  You might want to look into hiring a
masseuse.  Fortunately for both of your backs, your wallets will quickly
become incredibly lighter and easier to carry.



Food content:  While I didn't get much morning sickness, oh boy did I
get food aversions!  While nothing made me sick, absolutely nothing
sounded even vaguely appealing.  For over a month, my poor husband had
to drag me around, forlorn, trying to find any food that sounded like
something I might enjoy eating.  I couldn't get into cooking, since none
of it sounded good.  He'd sit there listing restaurants, trying to come
up with something that appealed to me.  Finally, I'd say "Just take me
somewhere where I can get something healthful.  I'll order something I
usually enjoy and be satisfied with it.  Just choose a restaurant where
*you* want to go."  After three years of my dragging him to every ethnic
restaurant under the sun, you'd think he'd have been thrilled to be able
to choose the restaurant every time!  ;)


kattratt wrote:

> Sorry for those that get this multiple times...
> Attention All Ya'll!!!!!
> See now THAT is a true beginning of a Southern Announcement!
> We have just discovered for those that know her... that my wife (Julie)
> has caught the strange illness that has affected many of the women in
> our area in the recent year.
> The symptoms from what we have seen is that she will gain alot of weight
> over the next few months and then suddenly lose quite a bit of it.
> Other symptoms seem to be several shopping trips to pink and blue
> stores, several parties where they do something with water, and a total
> redecorating of the home.
> The men are not free from this sickness from what I understand...
> however the symptoms do seem to be different.
> The men seem to develop twitches that I hear do go away, also the men
> seem to shop as well but I am not sure whether they are just being
> carried along or not... I have also heard that the sickness stays with
> you for at least 18-19 years and then lessens a little but still seems
> to be there...
> Long term effects of the illness from what I have seen are a tendency to
> develop gray hairs, or indeed lose hair altogether.  I also hear that
> this virus is not just contagious in humans but it also affects the
> banking system...? As it tends to need more and more money as time goes
> on... (That is at least what my mother said, who also had this sickness
> not once but twice mind you!!!)
> Now I have heard that there are good benefits from this illness as well.
> I have noticed that both male and females tend to smile alot, have been
> heard to coo and giggle, and most even seem to develop a life long
> fondness for the effect of the sudden weight loss.
> I can tell you from my stand point that I for one am eager to see the
> effects of this illness on me, and indeed the entire household...
> I am sure that we will have many fun and entertaining adventures and
> hopefully some great stories to tell.
> However I thought I would give a warning... As I said I have noticed
> this illness developing around the area.
> If you don't wish to come down with it, Don't drink the water!  Don't
> eat the food!  at least not in Greenville.
> Finally I hope everyone recieving this will know that it is sent with
> great joy, a little nervousness, and kind permission from my Loving
> Wife.
> Now if you will excuse me I am off to do the I'm going to be a daddy
> dance.
> Greg Wardlaw
> aka Ratboy
> aka Nichola Buscelli

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