[Sca-cooks] A little diversion

Terry Decker t.d.decker at worldnet.att.net
Mon Oct 29 18:09:53 PST 2001

Really?  You're fortunate.  I've found premade polenta in the oddest places
across the US.  Usually it shows up packaged in a plastic tube.  The same
way they package a lot of ground sausages in this country.

I find it amazing that people will pay 10 times the price for $.25 worth of
cornmeal mush that isn't even fresh.


>> 3. Sneered at the lazy yuppie scum who buy premade polenta at the
>> supermarket?
>You can't buy premade polenta.  But I sneer at yuppie scum in
>supermarkets for fun anyway.

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