[Sca-cooks] What to Contribute

Barbara Nostrand nostrand at acm.org
Tue Sep 11 11:48:48 PDT 2001

Noble Cousins!

What they need in New York and Washington is blood by the gallon. In both
cases, the carnage took place in business areas, so they are unlikely to
need much in the way of food or clothing other than maybe blankets at the
evacuation centers.

					Your Humble Servant
					Solveig Throndardottir
					Amateur Scholar
| Barbara Nostrand, Ph.D.         | Solveig Throndardottir, CoM       |
| deMoivre Institute              | Carolingia Statis Mentis Est      |
| mailto:nostrand at acm.org         | mailto:bnostran at lynx.neu.edu      |
| Ignored domains: bestbiz.net, pop.net, hotmail.com, aibusiness.com  |
|                  vdi.net, usa.net, tpnet.pl, myremarq.com           |
|                  netscape.net, excite.com, bigfoot.com, public.com  |
|                  com.tw, eranet.net, yahoo.com, success.net         |
|                  mailcity.com, net.tw, twac.com, netcenter.com      |
|		   techie.com, msn.com				      |

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