[Sca-cooks] Re: [Sca-cooks]Pirates, was: Bidding for Count Gunthar

XvLoverCrimvX at aol.com XvLoverCrimvX at aol.com
Mon Sep 24 14:23:53 PDT 2001

In a message dated 9/24/01 9:24:46 AM Eastern Daylight Time,
chirhart_1 at netzero.net writes:

> Why welcom aboard Mad Mary Racham. That shore be a fine necklace of fig
>  netons ya have thar .I were's me manners misha get her some grog the good
>  stuff.yea that stuff what we keep for gunther,aarrrg tis a day all And a
>  fine how do toyou Capen Morgan I knew about the tasty parrots  but don't
>  bide much about frogs being sexy Aaarr that take a powerful lot -o-rum fer
>  that thought... "Oh" but shurely ti each there own fine time..Oh werebe the
>  time gone.  Got to go swash me buckels
>  .Chirhart and Misha.The finest Newtonein Poirates that be Born!

*hobbles to the special Grog on his Fig Newton peg leg and gives it to the
Capitan* Aaargh, this be de super strong stuff, arrgh. *Walks over to the
cannon and pops in a load of Fig Netwons and fires it at the grilling ship*

Newtonian First Mate. Providing quality pirating serivce since 2001 with
Captain Chirhart.

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