[Sca-cooks] Regretable foods.... OOP

Sue Clemenger mooncat at in-tch.com
Thu Sep 27 15:51:07 PDT 2001

Definitely the vehicles...many years ago, we loaned our old VW (sort of
a station-wagon sort of thing) to one of the folks in our crew (my dad
had a tree farm, and my folks knew his folks, so it was o.k.) so that he
could drive up to Libby (a few hours north of us, lots of twisty, narrow
roads) to see _his_ folks who were in the states for a brief visit.  The
young man in question came around one of the bends in the road, and -uh-
"encountered" a large moose, calmly standing in the middle of the road.
The resulting collision put the moose right through the windshield of
the car, totalling the car, but (fortunately) not really injuring the
OFC: We did NOT get to keep the moose meat, darnit anyways....moose is

johnna holloway wrote:
> Actually probably the folks who live in Alaska can
> occasionally get moose lips. There are lots of signs
> posted on the road between Palmer and Wasilla as to
> what the annual moose-auto collision number is up to..
> Moose would make really large roadkill or maybe it's
> the vehicles that get killed.
> Johnnae llyn Lewis
> Johnna Holloway
> Ted Eisenstein wrote:>
> > >I've found Jellied Moose Nose on the Just Game Recipes website:
> > >http://www.justgamerecipes.com/moose/moose014.shtml
> > >Not like Moose Nose is readily available;  this is CAid not CAnada.
> > . . . you know, I'm sorry I mentioned it. . .grin>> Alban

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