Soap, was [Sca-cooks] breakfast in bed

Sue Clemenger mooncat at
Sun Sep 30 20:27:48 PDT 2001

Soap....I'm going with some (relatively) modern recipes, and using all
the modern safety precautions (I've got a friend who was burned with
lye, and the scar is NOT pretty, nor is the description she sent me of
her skin bubbling and turning black....<blech>).  I've got _no_ period
references, other than some anectdotal (un-footnoted, etc.) stuff in the
introductory section of a couple of books.  One reference in a class
handout to "castile" soap, in a recipe apparently taken from Plat's
_Delights for Ladies_ (anyone on this list know the dates for that, by
the way?).
Anyone out there have any sources on period soap recipes, references,
etc.? (besides the Florilegium, of course <g>).
OFC: I'm making cormarye (sp?) and macrows for dinner tomorrow
night....geez, hang around on this list long enough, and you can't
_help_ but start doing more period cooking.....<g>

Stefan li Rous wrote:
> Greetings Maire,
> Are you making soap or candles?
> Stefan

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