[Sca-cooks] cutting corn from the cob

Harris Mark.S-rsve60 Mark.s.Harris at motorola.com
Mon Apr 1 16:11:51 PST 2002

Avraham answered me with:
As for removing corn from cobs, you need three tools: a big bowl, a
small paper bowl and a good chef's knife. Put the paper bowl upside down
in the big bowl, and rest the end of the cob on it (this keeps it from
slipping as you cut). Then shave the kernels off the cob with the knife,
cutting as close to the cob as you can, and turning sequentially until
you've gotten all the kernels cut off. You can then use the BACK of the
knife to scrape down any goodness left behind on the cob, again turning
the cob as you go. It's fairly quick and easy, and makes GREAT creamed

Thanks for the good directions. This is a tidier and probably safer
way of the way I was thinking of.

However, for this recipe I wanted whole corn kernals, not creamed
corn. When you cut across the rounded cob with a straight edge I
can see where the kernals at the center get cut off cleanly. But
the ones to either side get cut on a diagonal and therefor aren't
whole kernals, right? It would seem like you would get a lot of
big, whole kernals, some most of a kernal and some small pieces.

The kernals in the frozen corn, as best as I can remember, were
mostly whole kernals.


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