[Sca-cooks] Links: Medieval Cooking, Combat, Celtic Art, Illumination, Chants

Lis liontamr at ptd.net
Tue Apr 2 16:58:53 PST 2002

Note: I'm forwarding this post from my weekly posting to the Aethelmearc
list serve (accomplished at another computer with a different address). This
week's list has lots of medieval cooking links, so I hope you'll forgive the
other stuff. I regret to tell you that this isn't a subscription service, so
unless you're signed up for the Aethelmearc list-serve, you're unlikely to
get my weekly Links lists. If you want 'em, find a friend who lives in
Aethelmearc, and ask them to forward. It only takes one of you to pass them
along ;^D There are no forward restrictions so long as copyright
instructions (if any) are followed.

Aoife, compulsive librarian

--------Forwarded Message-------------------
Hallo all! I've put all the non-cooking related sites first so you who
aren't medieval cooks won't have to scroll so far. This week we have:
Academy of Medieval Martial Arts (a how-to-fight site--see their
download-able how-to-manual, and use at your own risk), we have Celtic Art
on the web, Scriptorium, and Illumination.biz, which is remarkable for the
fact that it shows what our art would cost in the real world. Last but not
least is a site with sound bytes of Gregorian chants, hoping to have scores
to post sometime soon. After those sites, we're into the nitty-gritty of
medieval food. So many, I hesitate to mention them here. Just keep scrolling
and you'll hit culinary gold.

Since none of these were culled from lii.org this week, there is no
disclaimer or copyright notice. Any material culled from a site is the
property of that site owner/author unless otherwise noted (of course).

Feel free to share these links anywhere you'd like. I'm spreading them
somewhat farther afield this week, since I happen to know several cook's
lists who'd likely think this was a decent post ;)



Academy of European Medieval Martial Arts http://www.aemma.org/
(Site excerpt) The mission of the AEMMA is to resurrect the combat skills,
philosophies and principles of an accomplished European Medieval martial
artist and to achieve a state of which would be consistent with that of a
15th century warrior on both technology and ideal.

Celtic Art http://www.celtic-art.net/
(Excerpt from site)
Until recently, Celtic Art has been regarded as a mysterious relic of an
archaic culture and people who once lived in the British Isles and other
parts of Europe. Truth is, they live here still, despite attempts by
successive invaders and cultures to dislodge or swamp them. Disappearing but
briefly into the remote wilderness of Scottish glens, Welsh mountains,
gloomy mists of Irish bogs, Cornish castles and moors and Breton amor they
have continued to emerge throughout history to found glorious dynasties and
intermingle occasionally with 'foreign' Saxon cultures.

The Scriptorium http://parva.co.uk/scriptorium/
(Excerpt from site) The Scriptorium is a collection of things medieval
assembled for the interest of re-enactors and anyone interested in the
period. The period is largely the fifteenth century, the time of the wars of
the roses and this site aims to cover not only the marshall side of life but
everyday life as well.The scriptorium is open to everyone. If you have a
fact from the medieval period or have studied a craft and can give
information on the "secrets" of it then please get in touch. You will be
acknowledged as a contributor and all we ask is that you can provide some
sort of reference to back up your article. If you are looking for some
information on the medieval period then please check out these pages and, if
you fail to find an answer here, contact us. We will probably be able to
find out what you need to know and include it for others.

Illuminations.biz http://www.illuminations.biz/
(Excerpt from site) Illumination is an art from the Middle Ages : natural
pigments, gold leaves and oak-apple inks were used, on real parchment. I try
to use these methods as much as I can when I create my works, for
exhibitions, demonstrations and courses. I only use Medieval techniques for
illumination, and also make my own parchment, using only skins and lime, in
order that the end result be as close to that of the Middle Ages as possible

Gregorian Chants:
(Excerpt from site) What will you find here, and some hints to listen to its
contents...Ordinaries of the mass: the word "ordinary" means the chants
(kyrie, gloria, sanctus, agnus) that are common to many masses, for instance
in weekdays, on Sundays, feasts of the apostles, Lent, and so on...
Alleluias: here are some beautiful and/or representative, exemplary
alleluias used in other occasions (of course changing the texts as
adequate); Others: some selected chants, including the sequences and
different versions of the "Tantum ergo"...Latest Sundays' masses: here are
all the chants from the "proper" of each mass: introitum (entrance chant),
gradual (psalm), alleluia, ofertorium and communionem (you guessed, ofertory
and communion); the proper makes each mass distinct from the others, and
many times the chants have great connection with the readings or feast of
the day... Links: some sites where you could read, learn and hear more about
gregorian chants

Cookbooks: http://www.geocities.com/~thorngrove/cookbook.htm
Primary sources, books with redactions, etc, and links to historical
bookmerchants. Thanks to Katja's site,  Katja's Medieval Cooking and Food
Page at http://www.geocities.com/katjaorlova/MedFood.html for the link. See
also this link for a medieval cooking terms glossary from Cindy Refrow,
linked to Katja's excellent site: http://www.thousandeggs.com/glossary.html

*Medieval food http://members.tripod.com/med_food/ See this site to get a
laugh out of the misconceptions some people have about medieval food.
Produced by an 11th grade class, the paper is (fairly) well written but full
of the most incredible tripe. This site is presented so that cooks will know
what they are up against in converting the masses ;) .

Acanthus Books http://www.acanthus-books.com/ This merchant provides replica
cookbooks and tomes on Redaction. If it's about food history or is an
historical food MS, and it's in print, they will try to get it for you.

Stephan's Florilegium
http://www.florilegium.org/files/FOOD-BY-REGION/idxfood-by-region.html This
section of the florilegium provides information through articles, posts to
list serves, and emails about historical food, sorted by region (culture).

Inns of Harn project:
http://www.users.globalnet.co.uk/~sablefox/IoH/Links.html Many useful links,
presented in a fictional village format I found somewhat irritating, but
which you might like.

Food and Feud in Saga Iceland
(Excerpt from Site) The Icelandic Family Sagas (Islendingasögur) are a body
of some forty or so prose pieces written by anonymous Icelanders from the
12th to the 14th centuries. After decades of neglect social and cultural
historians are now turning to the sagas to pillage them, as their subjects
may have pillaged a monastery, for valuable insights into the fabric of a
unique medieval community. Produced by the Dept. of History, University of

Crusader period food http://jeru.huji.ac.il/crusaders_food.htm some good
information about the Crusades and other related periods of food history
(Byzantine, early Islamic, Mameluke).

Serve it Forth! http://dialup.pcisys.net/~mem/sif_home.html A scholarly
publication dedicated to medieval food.Get information on how to subscribe
to the hardcover publication here.

Aethelmearc's Cook's guild webpage
(Excerpt from site) The Æthelmearc Cooks Guild is a collection of folks who
enjoy researching, cooking, and serving food in the Sylvan Kingdom and the
Known Worlde at large... but mostly, we enjoy chatting about period food and
sharing recipes and online resources!

Rayne's Feast Survey http://www.virtue.to/feast_survey/ Here you'll find the
results of an on-going survey that determines how and what SCAdians like to
eat at feast.

Richard II society's 15th Century Life: Dining in High State
http://www.r3.org/life/articles/food1.html An article about
medieval/renaissance food with bibliography.

Camlann Medieval Village : http://www.camlann.org/private_banquets.htm These
folks do, for a really hefty fee, what SCAdian cooks do for free. Look at
the menu at the bottom of the page (and the prices), and then go thank the
cook at your next feast for their selfless and unpaid work ;)

Food and Drink. Medieval History: http://www.tairn-gire.net/food.html This
site has an incredible menu (pun intended) of articles, most SCA-produced.
See the misc. section for rustic cooking instruction.

A Boke of Gode Cookery http://www.advancenet.net/~jscole/medfood.htm
The website by Aethelmearc's Master Huen (James Matterer) is invaluable for
serious redaction cooks.

Cindy Renfrow's Culinary History pages
http://members.aol.com/renfrowcm/links.html More information than I can
legitimately present here. Find links to virtually everything historical in
reference to the food of our period of study.

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