[Sca-cooks] documentation

Mary Denise Smith costumemag at costumemag.com
Tue Apr 2 07:23:11 PST 2002

Getting some people to do documentation at all is like pulling teeth
without benefit of whisky. By way of example, at the last Kingdom A&S, I
was judging textiles and one bright-eyed young man had a nice entry with
no documentation. He justified this by saying that the culture his
persona represents had no written language, hence he didn't see the need
for documentation, he'd just "show" me how it was done. Now if the entry
had been "cultural anthropology" instead of "material culture" I might
have swallowed the line (but spit out the hook and the sinker). As it
was, he got a "0" for a documentation score and a mildly worded scolding.

So the minimal requirements for documentation are an evil plan to make
documentation mandatory (No docs? No entry.), but to make it easy.

The "no books on the table" is also part of this evil plan, and also a
space saver. The hall is going to be crammed and if I get the response I
am hoping for there will not be room on the table for a dozen books.
Besides, I wouldn't want someone dripping pears in wine sauce on my copy
of Platina!


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