Subject: [Sca-cooks] Dame Aoife's absence...

Lis liontamr at
Mon Apr 8 11:36:31 PDT 2002

Actually, I believe, if Master A's memory will back mine up, we've only ever
seen each other once. And that was VERY long ago in what had to be the worst
kitchen for event cooking known to womankind (and despite my tendency to
exaggerate, I do mean it literally).

As a matter of fact, we didn't even speak to each other at the time. He came
with Master Dyfan, in to inspect some Ancient And Mysterious food handling
contraption (did you ever figure that one out?), and I was busy doing
post-feast stuff. Since we had no idea who the other one was, nothing
registered. I'm ashamed to say I wasn't paying attention. We have many
friends in common, however.

Though I have a shocking tendency to throw endearments around like peanut
M&Ms lobbed at High table, I don't think I would know Master A on sight.
Maybe we should all have a page somewhere to post our photos, so that we'll
recognize each other at Pennsic or at events.

I think we should put this thread to rest now and talk about food. So who's
got a good idea for using these nifty Jell-O-bean molds I have left over
from Easter?



>But, didn't you notice, he was paying attention! He knows when he >saw her
last! That's pretty good, in my book... ;-)


Lis wrote:

>Yes, well you're doing man-math, so that would make sense to you ;). You've
>got to do woman-math to get it: "Being separated from you, Oh Adored one,
>feels like so much longer than it is. Thus 8-9 months is really a year."
>Works in reverse for ages, too ;>)

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