[Sca-cooks] gyros

Laura C. Minnick lcm at efn.org
Mon Apr 29 20:48:24 PDT 2002

At 11:32 PM 4/29/02 -0400, you wrote:
>BTW, did I mention I was able to set up the grill tonight here in my
>urban brick and concrete hell, and all I had available was skirt
>steak for Romanian Steak and some nice fresh veal and lamb cervelato
>sausages with garlic and parsley, which could be grilled medium rare
>(over charcoal with a few wine-soaked rosemary sprigs) because they
>contained no pork? The suffering... .

I made Cormarye tonight and it turned out rather well, IMHO. Good thing,
too, because I really haven't felt like eating today.

>But yes, we should stop discussing gyros... ;-)

You are a Bad Man. And we like you that way!

Evil 'Lainie
Drink your latte. There are children sleeping in India!

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