[Sca-cooks] darioles

phoenissa at netscape.net phoenissa at netscape.net
Tue Apr 30 16:57:46 PDT 2002

Philip & Susan Troy <troy at asan.com> wrote:

>Also sprach phoenissa at netscape.net:
>>Could I use all milk or all cream without it being a disaster?
>Sure. It's a custard. The recipe seems to call for cream, but it
>doesn't address the fat content, so it could easily be light cream,
>up to and including really high-fat stuff, almost like Devonshire
>cream. But it'll still be a custard if you make it with milk.
>Half-and-half is a good compromise, though.

Cool.  I think I might be totally decadent and use all cream.

>>2) Does "good powders" refer to that mix of cinnamon, ginger, pepper, etc. =
>>also known as "poudre douce" or something like that?
>Yup. Presumably whatever powdered spices you want. Ginger, cloves,
>cinnamon, etc. Oh, maybe some nutmeg or mace.

All right.  I got all of those. :-)

>I would worry about what color you'd finally end up with if you added
>strawbery juice, once they were cooked.

Oh...I assumed they would be pink?  I happen to have lots of strawberries at my house right now, so maybe I'll experiment first.

>You might consider simply
>making them green with parsley juice and yellow with saffron (they're
>slightly yellow even without saffron, which I'm sure pleases His
>Grace to no end...)

I was planning on doing that too - I thought it would be neat to have three different colors.  Oh well, I suppose I can do without red if I must.  Thanks for your help! :-)


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