[Sca-cooks] Bisket bread, and weights and measures

Kirrily Robert skud at infotrope.net
Tue Aug 27 10:58:36 PDT 2002

Two questions:

1. Does anyone have any recipes for bisket bread, OTHER THAN the
ones in the following cookbooks (which I already have):

Thomas Dawson, Good Huswife's Jewell
Hugh Plat, Delights for Ladies
Gervase Markham, The English Huswife
Elinor Fettiplace's Receipt Book (complete version)

2. Does anyone have a source which provides modern (metric, preferably)
equivalents for Elizabethan weights including the pound, peck and ounce?
If I can't find anything, I'll just use modern pounds and ounces, but I
would rather know the period measures.
http://www.meridies.org/as/dmir/Brewing&Vintning/slpebmod.html gives a
good list of books on the subject, but I don't have any of them.

Thanks in advance,


Lady Katherine Rowberd (mka Kirrily "Skud" Robert)
katherine at infotrope.net  http://infotrope.net/sca/
Caldrithig, Skraeling Althing, Ealdormere
"The rose is red, the leaves are grene, God save Elizabeth our Queene"

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