[Sca-cooks] tart crusts

Kristen Skold kskold at pacbell.net
Mon Dec 16 22:12:22 PST 2002

At 12:05 AM 12/17/2002 -0500, you wrote:
I think you may mean "Peasant Wedding" by Pieter Brueghel the
>>Here's a picture:
>Yup, that's the one!  I love this list - give a vague description of a
>painting and someone will post a link to it.
>Looking at the picture again, the tarts appear to be bowl-shaped.  That
>would be even harder to do as a free standing crust.  Alternatively
>they could be real bowls filled with a tart filling and cooked, but
>that sounds a bit odd considering it's a peasant wedding.
>Thanks Brighid!
>- Doc

Hmm - looking at this picture, I could believe they're bowls. Look at the
man taking them off the tray. I wouldn't trust a tart crust to survive that
kind of handling. And farther down the table, to the left, there are two
people (a man in a black hat and a woman in a white cap) who look to me to
be eating out of the bowls rather than eating a tart.


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