[Sca-cooks] Chocolatl Chip Cookies

Tara Sersen Boroson tboroson at netcarrier.com
Wed Feb 20 08:21:27 PST 2002

Fortunately for me, my husband is the kinda guy who Throws Things Away.
  Our house as a whole never gets that bad.  I have the kitchen cabinets
and my half of the office/craft room to mess up, which drives him nuts,
but other than that, our home is positively un-SCAdian ;)


A F Murphy wrote:

> Well, yes, but... I was afraid I would be sharing too much! *G*
> Anne
> Sue Clemenger wrote:
>> *snort*....That's what my *house* looks like....<g>
>> --maire
>> A F Murphy wrote:
>>> Wow! That's what my cupboards look like...
>>> Anne
>>> Tara Sersen Boroson wrote:
>>>> "Yes, dear husband, we have chocolate chips.  They're on the second
>>>> shelf, behind the peanut butter.  No, the other peanut butter, the one
>>>> on top of the jar of salsa.  Yes, take out the peanut butter and the
>>>> salsa, and the chocolate chips are underneath the walnuts.  Don't knock
>>>> over the honey!  Oh, you mean the milk chocolate chips.  First shelf,
>>>> under the bag of millet in the far right corner, behind the jar of
>>>> molassas and the mustard on top of the can of tahini, wedged between
>>>> the
>>>> fig preserves and the pecans."

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