[Sca-cooks] Sources of Protein

Philippa Alderton phlip_u at yahoo.com
Thu Feb 28 18:12:56 PST 2002

--- jenne at fiedlerfamily.net wrote:

> Can you make jerky of chicken?

Yes you can, and of fish, too. All you're really
talking about is dried meat. I know dried fish and
meat are period (Cariadoc-off hand, we have anecdotal
evidence of various Steppe peoples taking dried meat
and putting it under their saddles to soften).

With the meat, the cheaper, less marbled cuts ARE the
best, just cut them cross grain- or let your butcher
do it.

Sausages, too- easy enough to make and dry smoke.

And pemmican, while not necessarily period for Europe,
IS period. Basicly all you need to do it dry (not
cook!!!) and powder meat (food processer after it's
dried), mix with a handful of dried fruit, and seal in
beef or mutton tallow (not  pork- it's too soft.

> Beef jerky-- Calontir soup kitchen estimates a
> single gallon bag of jerky
> will feed 20-25 fighters and 25 is pushing it.
> Remember the little piggies
> in armor here. I could consider making beef jerky
> and serving it at the
> late-afternoon court board, but by then they aren't
> fighting and can eat
> the cheese and eggs.
> I'm loath to add a high cost, low return, not
> documented food to the
> dayboard, I admit.

Well, as I said, let them bring their own.

> On the other hand, is there a way to cook chicken
> ahead of time and freeze
> it, defrost it without reheating, and not have it
> taste like cardboard?
> That would be another solution...

Not that I know of, unless you make a chicken stew.

Never a horse that cain't be rode,
And never a rider who cain't be throwed....

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