[Sca-cooks] Offering myself! <g>

Philippa Alderton phlip_u at yahoo.com
Tue Jan 1 07:07:56 PST 2002

--- Philip & Susan Troy <troy at asan.com> wrote:

> But I repeat, I have ghreat admiration for those who
> take the work
> seriously enough that they don't have time for
> attitude. Thanks, Muiredach.
> Adamantius, charter member Prima Donnas Anonymous

Prima Donna? Adamantius? Not hardly......

Several of you might remember when Adamantius cooked
for EK Crown Tourney several years ago, when so much
went wrong, that he was ultimately given his Burdened

I was there, had come specificly to cook with him,
with Ras, and with Puck (who never showed- you gonna
be at 12th Night, Puck? ;-)

Adamantius is great to work for. Doesn't matter what
happens (and a lot that wasn't his fault happened at
this event) he just stays calm and keeps on doing
things. Something needs done, if it's heavy or nasty,
he's first to dive in and get it started. You don't
know what you're doing, or how to do something, he
shows you. You're doing something, and you do know
what you're doing, he stays out of your way and lets
you do it.

And it just doesn't matter what goes wrong- he never
loses his cool, just keeps on keeping on.

Half the feast food wrecked in the middle of the
Triborough Bridge? No problem, let's see if we can try
this with this extra stuff.

The man's amazing.

Am REALLY looking forward to working with him again
Saturday- after I get these 40 lbs of pears done....


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