attractive presentation (wasRe: [Sca-cooks] Vegetarians)

Gorgeous Muiredach muiredach at
Tue Jan 1 15:26:45 PST 2002


Thank you for bringing up points that I hadn't thought about.

>Where is the documentation that all dishes must
>be dressed or garnished?

Dunno about documentation.  But I *do* know that they don't all need to be
garnished.  An attractive presentation doesn't by definition mean a
garnish.  It doesn't need to be an elaborate one either.  But!  I think
that presenting food in an attractive manner is important.  Too many times
food is "slopped" on the dish and brought out.  That is where I have a problem.

Master A's KISS is worth a lot (You! Out of the gutter <wink>).  Yes, for
Savarin's sake, don't hide the food with garish garnish!

>If every dish goes out in a separate bowl to avoid cross-
>contamination and food allergies, then multiply the dishes
>served times the number of tables and you can run into feasts
>needing 150-200 bowls and platters plus serving spoons and knives.
>That often means having to wash dishes between courses.

Yeah, you have to find the fine line between reasonable accomodation and
whatever-we-might-call-it :-)  While I also firmly believe in trying, I
don't think it is humanly possible to accomodate *every* food need and
special diets.  Yet...  Yet, I you must do some efforts to keep things
aside.  Don't put the sauce on the meat.  Don't put the starch with the meat.

But what do I know?  I've never actually been in charge of an SCA feast,
soooo, it's all very rethoric for me.

Gorgeous Muiredach
Rokkehealden Shire
Middle Kingdom
Nicolas Steenhout
"You must deal with me as I think of myself" J. Hockenberry

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