[Sca-cooks] flatbreads

A F Murphy afmmurphy at earthlink.net
Sun Jan 27 11:02:14 PST 2002

You know, I've been curious about that. Did the whole wide variety of
baking soda breads, muffins, biscuits etc. just magically appear when
someone refined (or whatever) soda? Or was it based on something, and,
if so, what? Or have we any idea at all? Especially because the chemical
leavenings seem most popular in areas with soft lower-gluten wheat
(Ireland, the American South) which never did rise well with yeast. What
did people do?


Stefan li Rous wrote:

>However, the use of a chemical rising agent would make such a bread
>out-of-period as those don't seem to be used until the 19th century.
>It is possible that the substitution of baking powder/soda for
>yeasts might result in a minimal texture differance and taste, but
>I doubt it.
>Bear? Any comments?

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