[Sca-cooks] Numbers, pates, and spreads...

Philippa Alderton phlip_u at yahoo.com
Thu Jan 31 09:04:07 PST 2002

--- Sandra Kisner <sjk3 at admin.is.cornell.edu> wrote:

>      I was under the impression the margarine
> "spreads" are so called because of an increased
> water content.  I don't think they can legally call
> themselves margarine.  But they can (and do)
> advertise they have fewer calories and/or less fat,
> which is the case because their place has been taken
> by water!

Yeah, that's part of what I find very irritating about
the entire "modern tastes" thought train.

Aside from my personal irritation about the incredible
amounts of sugar and salt that are used to imitate and
substitute for real flavor, modern folks insist on
renaming things in order to sell them to an ignorant
public. We went through that with the Hellman's Real
mayonnaise lawsuit, and things have been going
downhill ever since.

For example, bean curd has become Tofu, squid is now
calimari, as we've been mentioning, liverwurst is now
pate', and the margarine folks have given up on trying
to pretend margarine is healthier than butter since
it's not an animal fat (it's not- saturated fat is
saturated fat regardless of place of origin, and
butter is said by some to be healthier than the
chemical concoctions called margarine), so now they're
adding water, to "prove" that their product is
healthier by weight than the other product. I suppose
they're correct, but if I want water, I'll turn on the

It's all part of a grand conspiracy to disguise
realities from ourselves. You see it in the ads which
advertise pills for every ailment known and unknown to
humanity (shades of the 60s!!!!!) and in all the
stepped up "security" at airports after the Sept 11
thing. There ain't no such thing as security imposed
by the outside. If people had any sense, they'd arm
all airline passengers, and if we lost a few planes,
well, everyone knows the risks they take.

But, we're developing into a society which insists on
wrapping itself in cotton batting, because if we can't
see it, it won't hurt us....

Yeah, right....


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