[Sca-cooks] Where were you when?

LIADAN at sbcglobal.net LIADAN at sbcglobal.net
Fri Jun 21 09:38:42 PDT 2002

>Well, here's one more single male cook! 38yo, been in
>this crackedpot group for twenty years, been single
>and looking for 5 years(after 15 years as a REAL LIFE
>monk!) Lookin for a fine lady and a real woman, ie a
>farmwife! not squeemish, or picky, ready to try new
>dishes! Singing, dancing, romancing, and putting up
>with my german is all for the good!!
>Meister Johann von Metten OL
>medieval poultry,
>Oh yeah, and putting up with a large household of SCA
>daughters, son-in-laws, grandchildren and now,
>apprentices!!! what next!!
>Almost certainly not a cabana boy, but a suave,
>sofiticated, gentleman of means.
>(yeah, right! from a schoolteacher!!)

Where were you when *I* was available?

I suppose I should tell the list - I'm no longer
Liadan the Available.  Perrin Haddock (mka Greg
Basore) moved in with me last month.  We'd
been "dating" whenever our schedules allowed, but due
to our wide age difference, I really didn't take our
relationship too seriously.  I tried not to give him
my heart, because I was SURE nothing would come of it.
Well, last weekend, he told me he can't imagine his
future without me in it, and would I consider moving
to Oregon with him when the time comes. So, although
we are not planning a formal ceremony, we have
committed ourselves to each other. I won't even begin
to tell you why he's wonderful, but he certainly
treats me as though I'm number one in his life. Oh,
and the age difference?  I'm 46, he's 23.

We're looking at Salem,OR sometime in the next 2-3

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