[Sca-cooks] Girl Scout Demo

Christine Seelye-King kingstaste at mindspring.com
Thu Jun 6 11:42:49 PDT 2002

> Say Christianna, that sounds like a lot of fun.  What a nice demo
> to put on.   Will you be going back again this week?  What other types of
things were done at the demo?
> Olwen

	No, that was the only night we could go, but other members of our Barony
are doing other nights.  One of our members, the dad of the girls at the
camp, went last night and did period games.  Tomorow night one of our Dukes
and his lady are going to help their "Queen" give out awards and help be
Courtiers.  There is an on-going quest (they get clues at the end of every
night) because the jester stole the Queen's crown, and they're supposed to
find it by the last night.
	The other things they were doing were split between Brownies and Cadettes,
the older girls were getting leadership badges for running the younger one's
activiites.  Among some more pedestrian 'making pictures out of shapes' and
painting, they had a couple of groups making mazes, designing heraldic
devices, and making face paint out of cold cream, baby powder and food
coloring.  I thought that wouldn't work out too well, but the color came
right off because of the cold cream.  It makes very pastel colors, but the
mess was minimal.  The lady from our group said they had been threatening to
woad the children during SCA gosling's activities, and that might just be
the method to carry it off!
	The older girls were wearing costumes, some of which had been made by them
for sewing badges.
	The food part could have been better organized (but I usually think that!),
but all in all, for Moms and Leaders putting on a week-long summer camp, it
looked like the 50 or so girls were having lots of fun.

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