[Sca-cooks] Re:books/equipment was Midrealm Ruled by Cooks

Pixel, Goddess and Queen pixel at hundred-acre-wood.com
Fri Jun 7 09:05:59 PDT 2002

> So how do you all deal with storing your stuff?  Your books?  How do you
> organize those?  I'm sure Huette can give me a few great tips on this as
> well (as always). :)
> --Arte

Heh. My stuff is wherever there is room--the basement, the garage, my
sewing room, under a table in the dining room, along the wall going down
the basement steps, the basement office, the boyfriend's basement, the
boyfriend's garage, the boyfriend's project room, the back of the truck,
the back of the boyfriend's car, the living room, the kitchen.

The research library and cookbooks live on shelves in the living
room in what I think was intended as a dining area, the rest of the books
live in the basement in my husband's den. Cookbooks are shelved by broad
subject matter--desserts, ethnic, generic, period. Research library is
shelved the same way. I like them to be close to where they get used--when
they were in the sewing room I'd accumulate a pile next to the couch and
have to go put them away. This way it contributes less to clutter. In


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