johnna holloway johnna at sitka.engin.umich.edu
Wed Jun 12 07:45:06 PDT 2002

I know how fog is...
It took a while late last night to figure
out why I wasn't finding something about
the collection... then it dawned on me that
it harley... with the e... Anyway the British
Library is slowly adding descriptions of many
of the manuscripts and the collections to their
online catalogue. And in one place if you hit
the right screen, you can subject search on
cookery and take a look... there are a huge number
of recipes not yet published... primarily medical
but there are some household and private mss of
women that contain recipes also that are unpublished.
Something to look forward to...

Johnna Holloway  Johnnae llyn Lewis

Terry Decker wrote:>
> That comes from typing in a fog (it's cottonwood mating time and they're
> trying to kill me).  When the brain switches off, "i before e except after
> c" is the autopilot mode.  Thanks for the correction, Johnna.>
> Bear
> >
> >The word is Harl e ian from Harley... not ie> >
> >Johnna Holloway  Johnnae llyn Lewis

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