[Sca-cooks] Wine names

A F Murphy afmmurphy at earthlink.net
Mon Jun 24 21:33:45 PDT 2002

Well, yes, sort of... but remember, we started this discussion with a
misleading word. I see "Shiraz". I know it is from Australia, where,
last I knew, they spoke English...  I have heard the word is Persian.

Now, I live in Manhattan - pretty cosmopolitan. My Japanese food
vocabulary is pretty good, as I like the food and ate it long before it
was fashionable... as is my French. I can also handle some  food terms
in German, Spanish, Yiddish, Russian, Hebrew, Korean, Hindi, Arabic...
though I have no doubt that you can tell I don't really speak the
languages. I have heard people say they drank "Syrah" but I have also
seen that word on a bottle. I am looking at a word that I hear is
Persian, on a product I know is from Australia, why on earth would my
mind instantly leap to France?

Actually, this is one of several that confuse me. Words for which the
pronunciation is far from obvious, that I do not routinely hear, that
are said in more than one way (correctly or not). And my experience is
that, no matter how I say them, *someone* will smugly correct me...  OK,
that also  happens with words I know perfectly well I am pronouncing
correctly. There simply are those who like to correct people... even if
they are not correct themselves... ;-)


vongraph wrote:

>I gues the best reasonis that if your going to drink wines that orginate in
>different countries you could at least learn enough of the language to
>pronunce the name correctly:) Even a small education in forgein languages
>permits youto proonounce the name of most things correctly. Or is that
>considered a cosmoplotian attitude?

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