[Sca-cooks] Pronunciations

Philippa Alderton phlip_u at yahoo.com
Tue Jun 25 08:32:10 PDT 2002

Well, my take on it is this. I pronounce words as I
first heard them, usually. If the pronunciation is
close to the original, fine, if not, fine too.

Margali was objecting to my pronunciation of crepes.
Unfortunately, I've been pronouncing it with a short e
since before she learned to talk, and I'm not likely
to change now ;-) I use the long "A" sound to refer to
the fabric variants.

But, I'm not doing it self consciously as Martha
Stewart does, to be pseudo-elegant (piss-elegant, as
my mother calls it) I'm doing it that way because I
learned the word that way. Lord knows, no one who
knows me at all would accuse me of attempting to
assume unnatural elegance ;-)

One pronunciation difficulty I run into, is my name.
My legal name is Philippa, and there are two perfectly
correct ways to pronounce it. One I use mundanely, the
other I use in SCA because it scans better than with
the rest of my SCA name. Unfortunately, of all the
pronunciations I've heard, very few are close to
either of the proper ones- most tend to add extra
letters. And, I run into the same problem in reverse,
when people try to spell it.

But, mispronunciations of my name are why I go by
Phlip (pronounced, flip) most of the time. I use the
alternate spelling, just because it amuses me,
considering how long I've suffered mispellings and
mispronunciations- it's also different enough, that
people rarely confuse me with others in writing,
although a lot of people keep wanting to "correct" my
spelling to Philip.

Sorry, guys, I may not know much, but I do know how to
spell my own name, and nickname ;-)


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