[Sca-cooks] OOP-vacation restaurants...

Laura C. Minnick lcm at efn.org
Wed Jun 26 13:14:06 PDT 2002

At 03:35 PM 6/26/02 EDT, you wrote:
>This is very out of period but does concern food.....
>We are going on vacation this weekend and will be visiting Las Vegas, NV -
>San Francisco, CA - and Ashland, OR (for the Shakespeare Festival) and
>Portland, OR and I was wondering if any of you all had any recommendations
>for great local eating spots in any of these areas?  I definitely prefer to
>eat at Non-chain places, and places that you wouldn't find just anywhere.
>You know, places with local flavor and good food.
>Any help would be appreciated!
>Wyvernwoode, Trimaris

Can't help you with Vegas or SF, but I happen to know a nice little place
in Ashland :-D) Right down on the Plaza downtown, near Lithia Park and the
Shakespearean Festival, etc. (OSF is downtown Ashland). it's called the
Greenleaf, good food, reasonable prices, and if you luck out, you'll meet a
tall man with short, dark curls, a moustache, and beyootiful _green_* eyes-
that would be Edouard (MKA James), love of my life, and pretty spiffy
person. Say hi- he'd love to meet you!

*source of controversy. He claims they're hazel. I say they're green. I
think he should humor me but he hasn't yet learned the magic words "Yes,

As to Portland- if you like brewpubs, look up McMenamins in the phone book-
they are sort of a chain but not really. Each one is different and they all
are tres spiffy. Good food (burgers, sandwiches, salads, interesting
entrees) and great microbrew, as well as local wines (they have a couple of
wineries too). If you want fries with your meal, get a _side_, not a small
or lg. fries- the side is huge, the small could feed Noah's Ark. I'm not
kidding. And they're good- fresh potatoes, put through the cutter skins and

Let me know if I can be of more help!

"We all need a little help- but I'm *basically* normal." -Rose Gumbo

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