[Sca-cooks] Irish Housewives

Mór Dhàna mor at email.com
Sun Mar 3 13:04:56 PST 2002

Being a housewife and cook, I like to think that I'm not so different from all the other centuries of the like.  There are a lot of recipes that are in my head because I have made them so often. Many were passed down from my grandmother and before.  Seeing as how much of medieval Ireland was illiterate... I don't imagine the day to day meals being written down for posterity.  Each house or village had a garden and animals which they used to prepare simple foods.  When I mentioned knowing the history of an area, I meant knowing the cooking methods and use of materials.  I am of the belief that it can still be pretty darned authentic even if you don't have that scrap of paper telling you that so in so in such and such a century ate it.  What did you have for dinner last Tuesday?  There is no substitute for research, though, and i think that we sometimes get too stuck on the literate side of our ancestors.

Sorry for the rant, but I have a touch of the irish temper ;)

Mór Dhàna
Shire of Vakkerfjell

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