[Sca-cooks] Ceramic cooking pots was Re:Master Hroars Email

Louise Smithson smithson at mco.edu
Wed Mar 20 05:33:27 PST 2002

Phlip wrote:
Ummmm, you DID fire them, didn't you? Coil or wheel?
Sealed all the cracks, without trapping air inside? If
so, there shouldn't be a problem....
> If they work the next question is, what do I cook in
> them?
Beans, maybe?
They were wheel thrown, the pot was the result of the largest piece of
clay I ever tried to work with.  As for firing.  They were bisqued and
high fired and are glazed on the inside (not period but seal them for
food).  As to air pockets, no I don't think their are any but when they
are fired the whole pot is heated in the kiln gradually.  When you cook
the bottom of a cold pot gets put on a fire and the top doesn't.  The
difference in heat between the two bits can make all the difference.  If
there are any tiny tiny air bubbles in the bottom it could still become
very exciting.  I plan on wearing safety glasses the first time I try
them out.
Ah but Philip what type of beans?  What period recipe?
Who wants to try and make a bigger pot than the two pint one she has

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