Seton1355 at aol.com Seton1355 at aol.com
Sun Mar 24 09:46:48 PST 2002

[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
<wiping tears of mirth from eyes>
Oh thank you Adamatius for sharing that wonderful story.  I loved it!!!  It
brings to mind:
1) on my honeymoon in Montreal, David and I were at a Chinese restaurant. At
the side of the table was a little pot with a sort of gel/liquid and some red
pepper flakes floating in it.  I don;t know what possessed me to stick the
tip of my pinky into this sauce and put it to my tongue, but as I did it
became Daffy Duck time with steam  coming out of my ears.. and me yelling
"A-go-nee!!! A-go-nee!!!" And tears of wonder streaming from my , then glazed
eyeballs. The waitress, laughing came over to me with a large glass of water.

Story #2)  A few years ago we bought a jar of Chinese chopped red chilli
peppers.  (It comes in a clear pastic jar with a green lid, you may know it.)
After trying it in some food , David and I decided that it was way too spicy
for us  (my tolerance has since become better) anyway... in lieu of throwing
it out we gave the jar to a Burmese friend of ours.  We admonished him that
it was VERY HOT and he should eat it sparingly.  He looked at us and told me
to get him a spoon.  He then proceeded to dip the spoon in the jar, take out
a HUGE glob of the stuff and eat it as if it were water.........  To this day
David and I still judge the hotness of something by how it compares to our
friend Harsha.
ps.... Happy Easter and A kosher Pesach to those that do.

> Then again, heat is a pretty subjective thing. I will always remember
> the day I saw a sort of Central Casting Texan in a Chinese restaurant
> in New York (note: _not_ in Chinatown, or what ensued would have been
> worse), informing the waiters that in Texas, they like their food
> spicy, so he should just prepare everything as hot as he (the waiter
> and, I guess, the cooks) liked it, and then crank it up a couple of
> additional notches. The waiter did a double-take, then sort of
> shrugged. What followed was one of the most enjoyable floor shows I
> have ever experienced, with entertained but well-wishing fellow
> customers showering the poor man with admonitions to drink his tea,
> eat his rice, etc.

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