[Sca-cooks] Imaginary list was Re: Irish Stew recipe

Philippa Alderton phlip_u at yahoo.com
Mon Mar 4 21:57:14 PST 2002

--- Philip & Susan Troy <troy at asan.com> wrote:

> I expect that under other circumstances the results
> could be more
> painful. I haven't had the kinds of experiences that
> Phlip seems to
> have had, though, in this regard.

I think what has really surprised me about the feasts
I've been to, is that they've either been truly
excellent, or truly awful. Most have been excellent-
not necessarily period, perhaps, but generally, good
food well prepared, but after my very first SCA feast
(of sorts), which was basicly a potluck put out by the
attendees at an MK Cooking Collegium, the next three
events I went to (out of our Shire) featured the
Deadly Chicken, although most of the rest of the food
was in the tasty category.

The feasts in the MK tend not to be particularly
period, with notable exceptions such as Yasmin's
Coronation Feast from Platina. The only feasts I've
been to out of Kingdom were quite period, but two of
them were Adamantius cooking, and the third was Ras
cooking- I wouldn't expect anything less from either,
although the first one with Adamantius was....
interesting- the food was great, but how we managed to
get it out on the tables is beyond me- so help me,
I've NEVER seen so many things go wrong at an event,
which is why Adamantius got his well-earned Burdened
Tyger ;-)

Much of the reason MK feasts seem to be non-period is
I think, because there's a perception that period food
is nasty in the MK, Yasmin's feast to the contrary. I
have a friend in the MK, a cooking Laurel, who told me
flat out that Medieval food was inedible, and I had
finally convinced him shortly before I left to try one
anyway, although of course, I can't help him with it

OTOH, I can't say as I blame him- the other "period"
feast I made the mistake of eating in the MK was
awful, and I honestly couldn't tell you which was
worse- the research, or the food.....

But, generally most feasts have enough good food in
them that you can get reasonably well fed....


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And never a rider who cain't be throwed....

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