[Sca-cooks] Offline

Susan Fox-Davis selene at earthlink.net
Mon May 13 11:36:27 PDT 2002

I will be offline for a couple days, due to minor injury.  In the wee
small hours this morning,  I managed to roll over in my sleep, to the
side where my bed WASN'T.  Forehead banged on the corner of my
nightstand and cut a corner-shaped slice.  I won't go into the gory
stuff, but I went home from the ER with ten stitches, a tetanus shot, 2
days off from work and vicodin, which seems to be a Wonderful Thing now
that shock and anesthesia have worn off.  No concussion, but the vico is
making me very fuzzy.  Anybody expecting paperwork from me in the next
few days, please be patient.

Oh, I'm okay, I just feel a bit silly.

Susan Fox-Davis / Dame Selene

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