[Sca-cooks] European bison

Harris Mark.S-rsve60 Mark.s.Harris at motorola.com
Mon May 20 15:51:32 PDT 2002

Jadwiga Zajaczkowa said:
> The wisent (Bison bonasus) is the European bison and is closely related to
> the American bison (Bison bison).

So, how much of a stretch would it be to cook American bison meat in place
of auroch (European bison)?

I thought the auroch was a type of cow, similar to the Longhorn,
rather than a bison? If that is the case, why would a buffalo/bison
be any closer to that of an auroch than a modern cow? Although since
the buffalo would likely be free range, rather than feedlot grown, I
imagine that would effect the taste.

Stefan li Rous

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