[Sca-cooks] Help! I'm stumped!

Lis liontamr at ptd.net
Thu May 23 18:48:22 PDT 2002

Hi all. I have a research problem I need help with. You read that
right---the libraian needs help researching stuff. It's a sad, sad day in
Riverouge when Aoife can't find information on her chosen topic.

Anyway, enough theatrics. I need to find wood cuts or illustrations or other
Historical PICTORIAL evidence of sotelties, warners, etc. (I already know
the existing texts, what I need are visual aids). This is one of the
questions someone asked at a recent Artist's forum, and I've managed to find
info for all the entrants questions but this one. Also noteworthy would be
modern pictures on the net, etc. of  redactions of actual soteltie
recipes/directions. The lovely person who asked the question wants to SEE
what she's aiming for.

Can anyone help? If so, please respond privately to liontamr at ptd.net , as I
don't get to read this list much lately. There's waaaaay too much going on
in my life.

Thanks, and hugs all 'round


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