[Sca-cooks] Two year olds v ferrets

Draco Somnus dracosomnus at katspit.net
Fri May 24 05:57:53 PDT 2002

> >Also, two-year-olds don't make nests under the
> >dishwasher so you have to dismantle it to remove them.
> I wouldn't put that past my two-year-old.

The magic of opposable thumbs. Ian can open dvd cases to switch disks
around. Drove me to distraction.

> Ferrets don't quietly sneak into the kitchen, open the refrigerator, and
> start eating the butter.

Plus the boy has the advantage of height (well at least over a ferret,
though I'm betting he'll be taller than I am by the time he hits puberty.
Unfortunately, that's really not saying much). He can reach the top of a
counter to help me now. He doesn't eat the butter, though; he just
squooshes it in its packaging. Then hugs me. Then wipes his hands on the
couch. Or he'll help by taking something off my prep space. I've had cans
and tomatoes wander into completely different rooms.

And a ferret wouldn't shove a dvd disk into the vcr. Or foam letters. We
got most of the number two out, but anything we tape has warped voices now.
Makes CSI *really* creepy.

Plus, also on height--if a ferret races to greet you and runs full tilt
into you, you get either a bump on the ankle or claw marks up the front of
your pants. Ian's exactly tall enough to scotch kiss his father, um, well,
he's guaranteeing that he's an only child.

On the plus side, we don't have to buy ferret chow. He'll eat anything that
is on an adult's plate. Spinach, chili, hot links (and I mean spicy hot
here - right at the edge of *my* tolerance). And I don't have to worry
about finding poop in my shoes. Just Hot Wheels.

But ferrets at least let you sleep in on weekends. It's a trade off.

Back to the shadows,


DracoSomnus Studios
Weaving Spinning and Costuming
DracoSomnus at katspit.net

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