[Sca-cooks] The garden that Ox built

Christina L Biles bilescl at okstate.edu
Thu May 9 07:57:23 PDT 2002

>So, what are all the big, white pipes that are sticking
>up in the garden for?
>Stefan li Rous

Olwen replied:
>>>To stick the hose in.  A very worthwhile system of underground
The PVC is drilled with lots of small holes and surrounded by blackcloth
layed under the plot with the vent sticking up..then all you have to do is
stick in the hose at low pressure for a while and *whala!* you have good
even root moisture.  Such a conservative measure.  No run-off!  Good

I say:

Nope.  Good guess though.  Ox loves me a lot.  I have a full system of
buried and top lying soaker hoses connected to a programmable electronic
timing system with a box in the bedroom that I can set to the exact amount
of time and what day of the week or month I want each of my eight lines to
run.  It also has a rain gauge which will turn off the timer when we've
gotten a certain amount of rain, and I have feeders set up on each line so
that I can customize feeding schedules.   Did I mention that Ox loves me?
The garden was my graduation present last year.

-Magdalena the much loved

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