[Sca-cooks] Irish/Scottish cheese mixup

Rosine rosine at sybercom.net
Sun May 19 11:59:52 PDT 2002

> "Duckie biscuits???" <g>
> --Maire, who just couldn't resist!

Uh, well, um... remember back in the dark ages (I think it was about 15
years ago), which Rice Crispies gave away little cutters to make Easter Rice
Cakes? A duckie, a bunny, an egg? Well... I had this sick child (chicken
pox) and he wouldn't eat anything since he was in the listless stage, and
er - there was those silly cutters that he'd insisted we get since they were
for free (I've NEVER made Rice Crispies treats!) sitting right there on my
counter, waiting for a purpose in life...

He ate the biscuits. And so did his dad, his brother, a few sailors hanging
around the house. The dog didn't get any.

Ever have a single sailor write back from a long cruise telling you he
missed your duckie biscuits? Ever wonder what that must have cost him??

I got better. Now I'm staid, humorless, and, and, I'll be throwing out that
biscuit cutter, sure I will - as soon as I get around to cleaning out my
junk drawer... (and getting rid of the Pez candy dispenser that we use for
tylonol too. Really.)

(And thanks for the head's up on Raclette cheese. I'm going to look for some
as soon as I'm over the head cold. I adore New England White extra sharp
cheddar, but sometimes just crave something different. This one sounds


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