[Sca-cooks] Ferrets

Daniel Myers doc at bookofrefreshments.com
Thu May 23 18:09:58 PDT 2002

Quoted from Laura C. Minnick - 5/23/02, 5:46 PM -0700:
>At 07:59 PM 5/23/02 -0400, you wrote:
>>In vino ferretas?
>That's an old, old stinker, Edouard. Even my Edouard, closet herald that he
>is, would turn up his Gascon nose and sniff at it...

Sorry.  It was too appropriate for me to resist.  I'll go punish myself now...

let's see, my punishment is
	New Features: Acquire reddish pockmarks on your body
	Major Curse : Become a slave for the moon-things
	Doom        : Move to the country and degenerate horribly
	Insanity    : Intense paranoia

(punishment courtesy of Great Cthulhu's Cthulhomatic Self-Punishment Page,

 Edouard Halidai (Daniel Myers)
 I BELIEVE! http://www.bookofrefreshments.com

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