What Adamantius is Guilty Of This Week (was RE: [Sca-cooks] Food Origins)

Pixel, Goddess and Queen pixel at hundred-acre-wood.com
Tue May 28 08:09:31 PDT 2002

> >Nope, can't blame Johnny for this one. It's Adamantius all the way. Of
> >course, I'm the one who mentioned it to the kinfolk, but he started it,
> >so I claim inviolate messenger status.
> >
> >Margaret
> Waitaminnit! What exactly did I start? Who? How? I never! I've never
> seen that child before, your honor! The check is in the mail! I was
> throwing it to the dugout, not at Piazza, I swear! Tell Jabba I was
> just on my way to pay him!
> WHAT DID I DOOOOOOOOO??????????????
> <I missed the beginning of the thread...>
> Adamantius, Innocent, Guileless, and oh, so cute


Innocent and Guileless, my left foot.

Back in-mid January, during a discussion of cattle in early Ireland,
someone whose name I will not mention (but his initials are Gaius Tacitus
Adamantius) brought up an event Ostgardr once held based on the Tain. And
being the dutiful clan daughter I am, I mentioned it to my kin. Who,
being otters, and thus extremely silly ("All serious, all the
time." That's us.) took it and ran with it. Unfortunately, or not, they
ran straight to the event-planning meeting being held that evening and put
it in as a bid for next 12th Night.

Feeling honor-bound to do *something* (because I am a dutiful otter), I
volunteered to be head cook (it was either that or coordinate
Extremely Authentic Irish Coracle Polo). Thus, I am doing feast for this
upcoming 12th Night, and it's all Adamantius's fault.


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