[Sca-cooks] another wedding feast for Aethelwulf-

Solwerlad fitzlancelot at seznam.cz
Mon Oct 7 13:10:45 PDT 2002

PGaQ> Perhaps for the members of the clergy who would be attending the wedding
PGaQ> feast? I can't imagine a political and social event like this one
PGaQ> excluding archbishops and bishops and suchlike.

PGaQ> We forget, in our secular society, that in SCA period the higher-ups in
PGaQ> the church were political figures as well as religious--Thomas a Becket
PGaQ> comes to mind. So, major clergy would also be invited to these functions,
PGaQ> and because of their vows they would of course be served fish. For that
PGaQ> matter, in countries not partially built by Puritans, higher clergy
PGaQ> still have a more obvious role in society and politics.

PGaQ> Margaret

But certainly not ALL clergy members were prohibited to eat meat!
This referred rather to particular monastic orders.
Besides, fish days were normally also non-feast days.

Solwerlad                          mailto:fitzlancelot at seznam.cz

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