[Sca-cooks] Happy Dance!

Daniel Myers doc at medievalcookery.com
Wed Oct 30 05:40:02 PST 2002

On Tuesday, October 29, 2002, at 09:26 PM, Sue Clemenger wrote:

> My quinces came home today! Wa-hoo! They're bee-yoo-tiful!
> They arrived in nearly perfect condition.  Each one is individually
> wrapped in paper, and well cushioned.  The box is suprisingly heavy!
> And
> the *smell* is just divine! Shannon at The Goat in the Garden did a
> _great_ job!
> Lemmee see...I'm gonna make white and black pastes, and marmalade, and
> lots of murri, and I don't know what all else!!
> Anyone got any favorite quince recipes??

While the "Quynces or Wardones in paast" I made turned out nicely
(easy, yummy, and got complements from everyone who tried it - both
inside and outside the SCA), I was really surprised how good "Perys en
Composte" is.  This stuff would make a great sauce for roast pork, or
maybe served at breakfast with waffles.  It's also a good recipe for
using that last quince after you've made pies or whatnot and have one
left over.



Perys en Composte

This fruit compote can be served on its own or as a very nice sauce for
meat. A little powdered ginger can be addded with the cinnamon, and for
some extra zing add candied ginger before serving.

     * 1 cup wine
     * 2 cups water
     * 1/2 cup sugar
     * 1 tsp. cinnamon
     * 1 pear
     * 1 quince
     * 12 dates, pitted and chopped
     * 1/8 tsp. red sandalwood
     * dash salt

Put wine, water, sugar, and cinnamon into a pan and warm. Peel and core
fruit, slice into small, thin pieces, and add to wine. Add dates,
sandalwood, and salt and bring to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer until
fruit is tender. Serve cold.

Source [Two Fifteenth-Century Cookery-Books, T. Austin (ed.)]: Perys en
Composte. Take Wyne an Canel, & a gret dele of Whyte Sugre, an set it
on the fyre & hete it hote, but let it nowt boyle, an draw it thorwe a
straynoure; than take fayre Datys, an pyke owt the stonys, an leche hem
alle thinne, an caste ther-to; thanne take Wardonys, an pare hem and
sethe hem, an leche hem alle thinne, & caste ther-to in-to the Syryppe:
thanne take a lytil Sawnderys, and caste ther-to, an sette it on the
fyre; an if thow hast charde quynce, caste ther-to in the boyling, an
loke that it stonde wyl with Sugre, an wyl lyid wyth Canel, an caste
Salt ther-to, an let it boyle; an than caste yt on a treen vessel, &
lat it kele, & serue forth.

Source [Two Fifteenth-Century Cookery-Books, T. Austin (ed.)]: Peris in
compost. Take Wyne, canell, And a grete dele of white Sugur, And sette
hit ouer the fire, And hete hit but a litull, and not boyle; And drawe
hit thorg a streynour; And then take faire dates, and y-take oute the
stones, and leche hem in faire gobettes al thyn, and cast there-to; And
then take pere Wardones, and pare hem, And seth hem, And leche hem in
faire gobettes, and pike oute the core, and cast hem to the Syryppe;
And take a litull Saundres, and caste there-to in the boylyng, And loke
that hit stonde well, with Gynger, Sugur, And well aley hit with
canell, and cast salt thereto, and lete boyle; And then caste it oute
in a treyn vesse ll, And lete kele; And then pare clene rasinges of
ginger, & temper hem ij. or iij. daies, in wyne, And after, ley hem in
clarefied hony colde, all a day or a nigt; And then take the rasons
oute of the hony, And caste hem to the peres in composte; And then
serue hit forth with sirippe, all colde, And nougt hote.

  Edouard Halidai  (Daniel Myers)

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