[Sca-cooks] making cheese at events/period cooking thermometers

Harris Mark.S-rsve60 Mark.s.Harris at motorola.com
Fri Sep 27 09:50:58 PDT 2002

The following question was just asked on the Ansteorra list.
I think actual mechanical devices for measuring temperatures for
cooking are post-period, but perhaps someone has some info I
haven't seen.

I think they controlled temperature by touch or more indirect methods
such as mixing a known amount of boiling water with a known amount of
cold water.

Since Erasmus is not on this list, please email him directly or
copy him on any reply sent to this list. *I* would like to see the
answers as well, though.

  Stefan li Rous
If anyone has tried to make cheese at an event, please drop me a line.
Also, does anyone have documentation for the use of cooking thermometers in period?

-Ritter Erasmus
Ozy Adams [ozyadams at hotmail.com]

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