Onion smell on hands/CURE WAS:Re: [Sca-cooks] Injuries...

Generys ferch Ednuyed generys at blazemail.com
Tue Sep 10 06:18:49 PDT 2002

> Hmmm. Any chemists on the list care to explain this one? Is the acid in
> the lemon juice bonding with the sulfur in the onion before it can turn to
> nasty acid in our eyes?
> Any other good ways to prevent onion tears? I read a suggestion somewhere
> to refrigerate them, which works a little, or to chop them under running
> water, which is patently ridiculous.
> Margaret, who can grate horseradish with the best of them, but hates
> chopping onions

I don't know *why* this works, but keeping a glass of water, dumped and
refilled every 15-20 minutes, next to your chopping board has a similar
effect to the running water thing, except it's practical... but don't drink
the water accidentally!


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