[Sca-cooks] Funeral Games

Betsy Marshall betsy at softwareinnovation.com
Tue Sep 17 13:00:42 PDT 2002

well, I'm thinking maybe you can...
Padraig in Loch Ruadh has for the last four years sponsored his own wake and
memorial drinking bash; lotsa food, lotsa bardic, lotsa toasts to the dear
departed, then when it gets to be too much, he gets out of the coffin and
joins in! thanks to the miracle of uisgebaugh!(spelling approximate..)
think about it, eh? see you , Betsy


I'm not early period, but when I cross the Rainbow Bridge,
I'd love for my friends to have a tournament and party in
my honor.

I wonder what foods would be served? Well, since I want
to be cremated, I think ash cakes would be appropriate.
Chickens baked in embers. (I'll probably go to hell for
just being so onery so a barbecue would probably be appropriate.)
And angel food cake with strawberries just in case.  :-)

Sweets and baked goods as a remembrance for any joy I've brought.
And bitter herbs in salat for the sadness.
Salty foods for my sense of humor.
Rich food for what I wanted to be.
Roast beef with bitter horseradish for the enemies I've made.
Wafers with sugar and cinnamon in hear shapes for those I love.

Hey, this sounds fun! Wish I could attend.



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