[Sca-cooks] oop trip to va.

Ron Carnegie r.carnegie at verizon.net
Tue Sep 24 21:03:54 PDT 2002

At 08:30 PM 9/24/02 -0700, you wrote:
>your office?
>Pete's boss has his computer in the same space that my co-worker and I have
our office.  Apparently Pete has been using the computer for some project
lately, not sure what it is though, really none of my business.

    Pete Ross, for those who don't know him is the Master Blacksmith at
Colonial Williamsburg.

I remain,
Ranald de Balinhard
Ron Carnegie
r.carnegie at verizon.net
	"The poetry of history lies in the quasi-miraculous fact that
	 once on this earth, on this familiar spot of ground walked
	 other men and women as actual as we are today, thinking
	 their own thoughts, swayed by their own passions but now
	 all gone, vanishing after another, gone as utterly as we
	 ourselves shall be gone like ghosts at cockcrow."
				G.M. Trevelyan

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