[Sca-cooks] kalamazoo

Sue Clemenger mooncat at in-tch.com
Wed Apr 9 21:20:19 PDT 2003

Oh, lord, *that's* why what I'm doing at work sounds so very familiar!
(maire shrugs and laughs helplessly)....I'm working on the
transportation data for Kalamazoo school district...<giggle>
OFC: I ended up "adopting" a small container of creme fraiche, and
haven't a *clue* as to what to do with it....Anybody got any ideas?

johnna holloway wrote:
> Just a reminder -- time is running out for anyone
> thinking about pre-registering for the Conference
> below. I'll be there Wed-thru Friday.
> Johnnae llyn Lewis   Johnna Holloway
> johnna holloway wrote in March
> > See:
> > http://www.wmich.edu/medieval/congress/
> >
> > The 38th International Congress on Medieval Studies
> > May 8-11, 2003
> > Medieval Institute, Walwood Hall
> > Western Michigan University, 1903 W Michigan Ave.
> > Kalamazoo, Michigan USA 49008-5432

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