[Sca-cooks] "All the King's Cooks"

jenne at fiedlerfamily.net jenne at fiedlerfamily.net
Mon Aug 25 06:34:56 PDT 2003

> > I've never seen this book discussed on the Cooks list. Is it because the
> > originals of the redacted recipes aren't included?
> It's in Jaella's bibliography:
> http://www.pbm.com/~lindahl/articles/food_bibliography.html
> As you've guessed, she recommends against the recipes.

Actually, to directly quote Jae's annotation:

"An excellent overview of the Tudor kitchens of Henry VIII at Hampton
Court Palace, and what was done there. However, the included recipes do
not have the originals included, so this is RECOMMENDED for the
information, and NOT RECOMMENDED for the recipes."

So, can we talk about the information? Pretty please? I'm all excited
about roasts and boiling kettles and food service and so forth...

-- Pani Jadwiga Zajaczkowa, Knowledge Pika jenne at fiedlerfamily.net
"This heavenly city, then, while it sojourns on earth, calls citizens
out of all nations, and gathers together a society of pilgrims of all
languages, not scrupling about diversities in manners, laws, and
institutions whereby earthly peace is secured and maintained, but
recognizing that, however various these are, they all tend to one and
the same end of earthly peace." -- St.  Augustine of Hippo

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